Sobriquet 49.2

The following post was originally published on 12/2/08.

Another day, more transcription. I have to admit the task is a painful one, both physically and literally. I still have trouble sitting in front of the computer without exacerbating the lingering injuries from last week's automobile accident, but I have tried to force myself to at least get a bit of transcription done each day in spite of the pain, if only to prevent myself from using the accident as an excuse not to get work done.

So, I transcribed a few more pages and rewarded myself by watching Zack and Miri Make a Porno, which I enjoyed a great deal. Kevin Smith is probably the only writer/director out there who can consistently make sappy love stories work. I mean, he keeps all of the conventions of a rather traditional narrative form but somehow manages not to make them feel forced or trite.

For tomorrow: More of the same.


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