Sobriquet 49.16

The following post was originally published on 12/16/08.

It took me until quite late in the evening to start working on my transcription work today, but once I got started, I tore through the endeavor. For whatever reason, I had very little enthusiasm for dissertation work and spent the day napping, reading George R. Stewart and William Maxwell novels, listening to the Tin Pot Operation, playing Civilization, and Christmas shopping. I did feel a tiny bit of anxiety about having not gotten any work done, so I suspect that may have had something to do with the burst of productivity I had the last couple of hours. As it stands, the transcription of notes about Disgrace, at this early point in the process, takes twice as much space as the entirety of the chapters I wrote on Age of Iron and The Master of Petersburg. There's so much stuff, in fact, that I suspect one could write a fairly substantial dissertation solely on the literary criticism inspired by Disgrace.

For tomorrow: Transcribe or read.


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