Sobriquet 48.3

The following post was originally published on 11/4/08.

I skipped last night's post because, as has been the case all too frequently lately, I could not get any work done until very, very late at night. I ended up reading another chapter in The Rights of Desire as well as a few sections of White Writing that may prove to be relevant to my dissertation. I did the same thing today, though I had the pleasure of skimming over a good deal of information in White Writing that was not pertinent to my own research. Still, I hate how much trouble I have been having getting any reading done. It seems that the last few essays are, by far, the most difficult for me to get through. With the end in sight, it sometimes feels like I haven't the energy to finish the run, so I hobble to the end. I should be there in a day or two, depending on when I receive the last reading that I ordered . . .

Of course, I have been extremely distracted by the election that will be taking place today, so some of my difficulty can be attributed to the fact that I am in the middle of a grand debate about the future of the country.

For tomorrow (i.e. today): Try to read or get some prewriting done in between voting and watching election coverage on television.


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