Sobriquet 47.29

The following post was originally published on 10/28/08.

I'm sure this is beginning to read like the transcription of a broken record, but I am going to have to keep this entry brief. It's been another one of those extremely long days that I've mentioned a few dozen times and, while it's only a few minutes past eleven, I'm pretty much wiped out. I will read a bit more of The Rights of Desire before bed and, if things go well tomorrow, I should be able to read one of the last three critical essays I have to read. It's kind of anti-climactic, though, because I'd initially thought I would have finished this segment no later than early September. Now, I'm beyond the point where I'm excited about finally finishing the reading because I will still have to spend a long time arranging my notes before I can even begin writing the chapter. Ugh, I say!

For tomorrow: Try to read another essay.


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