Sobriquet 47.26

The following post was originally published on 10/26/08.

Today felt like a lazy Saturday. I mean, I napped twice, played punk songs (poorly) on my bass for a while, took a nice, long walk, and even watched a bit of television. I also chatted on the phone for over an hour. Oh, and I bought the most recent Gaslight Anthem album, The '59 Sound, to which I listened several times over.

Still, though, I got a pretty sizable chunk of reading done today. Admittedly, Alas, Babylon is an enjoyable book to read, but it is still technically work since I'll be teaching it all this week.

On the dissertation front, I've opted to stick with Brink's The Rights of Desire, which may very well figure into the chapter on Disgrace. Having never read Brink before, I have to say that my first impression of the author is extremely positive. Brink is an exceptionally gifted storyteller, one whose fiction is undeniably worthy of the global attention he has earned.

For tomorrow: Same as today.


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